What is the difference between nikkor g and d lenses

See the lens compatibility chart for more information. More Like This More articles like this. Article Collections. Articles like this, right in your inbox. First Name required. Last Name required. Email required. Popular Topics. More from Nikon. Close Window Share this article by email. Your email has been sent. We like sharing articles, too! Sign Up for Emails. Here it's the range of this particular zoom—mm.

On this lens there are two numbers—3. At life-size reproduction of your subject, you'll see , and as you turn the focusing ring, the ratio will change. You'll see , which means half life-size; and and so on. And underneath the ratio there's the distance scale that shows you how close you are in feet and meters to the subject at that reproduction ratio. It means the lens allows switching from autofocus to manual with virtually no time lag; you can switch without making any settings on the camera.

MA means you just grab the focusing ring to switch. Certain new lenses—the bigger telephotos—have the labeling as AM; it's the same control, but there's more torque required on the focusing ring so you don't inadvertently change over as you're holding your hand near the ring.

Some VR lenses have a secondary switch for setting Active mode. Photography Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional, enthusiast and amateur photographers. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I recently bought a Nikon D It's "G" type lens, right? I bought it too, and it's "D" type lens. Main thing is I'm confused about what these "G" and "D" type lens means.

I know it's a common question but I didn't find any solid answer. Many D-Type lenses have an aperture control ring and can be used on older Nikon SLR cameras that allow for manual control of the aperture, as well as on D-SLRs—especially useful for adjusting aperture while recording D-Movies on higher end models.

When used on a D-SLR, the aperture control ring needs to be locked at the smallest possible aperture generally designated in orange , and the aperture control is maintained through the camera's command dial. Because G-type lenses relay subject-to-camera-distance information to the camera, where it is used to help determine ambient and flash exposure, they are also considered to be D-type lenses.

Note there is no aperture ring on that version of the lens, while there is an aperture ring on the AF version, above right. To me the main different is that a G lenses are newer lenses where Nikon have removed the aperture ring. Any G lens is a D lens. Not all D lenses are G lenses. The difference is that a G lens lacks an aperture ring for manually setting the aperture on the lens rather than the camera.

This isn't very important on modern cameras everything producedin the last 20 years or so except sometimes in full manual mode it can be more convenient than using the camera controls.

The reason he advised that lens is not that it's a D rather than a G lens, but because its far wider maximum aperture makes it much more capable in low light situations than the lens you already have it can capture a lot more light, meaning shorter exposure times. It's also optically far superior to your kit lens, giving better photos with less distortion and lens artifacts. Neither is related to D vs. G, it's just differences in the design and materials used in the lens construction.

MLA 8 , lanceben. Is this article a joke? G lenses do not have a focus ring as there is really no need for it anymore? My Nikon dx lenses zoom have an auto and manual setting. I read the article with the difference between the Nikon D and G lenses. Then I realised I already own a secondhand mm D lens that auto focuses great and has full automatic aperture setting too when I select shutter priority.

So these facts seem to disagree with what your saying in your article. It can be switched to Manual focus, but it also Auto Focus.

The Nikon G lenses are the newer kind, the Nikon D lenses are the previous that Nikon had on the market. Name required. Email required.


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